Discover How to Keep Mystery in a Relationship

Want to learn how to keep mystery in a relationship? Turn off the TV, stop talking about work problems, and focus solely on your partner once a day. Be considerate of your sweetheart and surprise them with little gifts or a quick “I’m thinking of you” text. Do something different together – take a cooking class, try a different kind of food or restaurant than you normally go to, try each other’s hobbies (you try golf and he tries yoga!). In short, think back to the things you did when your romance was brand new and you were learning about each other. It’s the effort you make that keeps romance alive, plus you’ll get quality time together!

Elegant Introductions can help you find that special romance through our life coaching services.  Call us today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

Learn How to Keep Mystery in a Relationship

Sadly, sometimes in a long-term relationship, we realize one day that we’ve gotten too comfortable and the romance is gone. You can change that by learning how to keep mystery in a relationship!

  • Be romantic: leave a love note where your honey will see it, surprise them with flowers or a romantic dinner, send them a text telling them you are thinking about them. Little gestures can go a long way towards keeping the romance exciting!
  • Set aside a date night to reconnect: day-to-day life often takes over and it can be seen as more of a chore to go out, but scheduling dates with your significant other gives you both something to look forward to and can provide a romantic spark.
  • Make an effort with your appearance: there is an old song that talks about putting on your makeup because he’ll soon be home. Sure, it’s sexist, but it’s also true (for both of you!) – if you both let yourselves go, it sends a subtle signal that your partner isn’t really “worth” the time to make yourself look decent for them.

Our relationship coaching services can help you learn more about how to keep mystery in a relationship! Call Barbara and Nancy at Elegant Introductions today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.