Our favorite couples of 2017

This is the time for year in review lists, and as elite matchmakers, we’re always keeping up with what makes couples tick. In that regard, we present our favorite couples of 2017 — our list of couples who really caught our attention this year.

Some just began seeing each other this year. Others have been married for many years. But they all have one thing in common: they all faced challenges in their relationships, and yet they found ways to overcome them, and keep their love very much alive.

It’s always big news when famous couples break up. But what about the ones who get together – and stay together? We think they deserve our praise, and not just because of who they are. We can all learn from their stories, and their success.

So here, we’re not just presenting a list of favorite couples. We’re telling you why we like them. As elite matchmakers who meet many successful singles, we’ve discovered that, while every couple has their own unique traits and circumstances, there are elements of love that are pretty universal. These couples show us what true love and commitment are all about.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.  Of course, they are on our list. They are pretty much on everyone’s list – and for good reason.

Why we like them: They both confound popular expectations. An American actress, Meghan wasn’t expected to fall for a Prince. (Sure, Grace Kelly did it – but that was long ago.) Harry wasn’t expected to fall for an American. But they both opened up to the possibility of love. Now they – and the world – have a royal wedding to look forward to.


Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriquez. JLo and ARod. Don’t they just sound as though they should be together?

Why we like them: They both had similar obstacles to overcome. They’ve both been married before, and they were both divorced single parents. But they navigated those hurdles and found ways to connect with one another. Together with Jennifer’s two sons, and Alex’s two daughters, they’ve become a happy, blended family – a modern-day Brady Bunch. When it comes to love, it looks like they’ve both hit a home run.


Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell. They are husband and wife – and two of Hollywood’s busiest actors. Plus, through their humorous videos, they give us a refreshing glimpse into their married life.

Why we like them: Even after they’ve exchanged vows, they are refreshingly honest about what it takes to keep their relationship going. In an revealing interview with Today’s One Small Thing, Dax opened up about their marriage, and said: “Not unlike your body, which won’t just stay in shape on its own volition, you really have to be maintaining the relationship. And it’s often uncomfortable work, but it needs doing or we won’t stay together.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.


Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. – She’s one of Hollywood’s best actresses. He is a music superstar who fills arenas and sells millions of records. One of Hollywood’s top power couples, they’ve been married for 11 years now.

Why we like them: They both had great success this year. She won an Emmy for her heartbreaking performance as an abused wife in Big Little Lies. His album, Ripcord, was one of the year’s most popular CDs. Yet they both know that success does not necessarily bring love and happiness. As busy as they are, they know when it’s important to be there for one another. Nicole told People magazine this year that, especially after filming emotionally wrenching scenes for Big Little Lies, she was grateful to have Keith by her side when she got home. She said, “Luckily, I have a partner who is artistic so he understands what it takes to support that. I came home to loving arms, to someone who would hold me, and I was really upset at times.”


And last, but certainly not least:

Our client couples – as proud elite matchmakers, we want to give our biggest shout out to our clients who have either started relationships, or got married this year. Most are very private, and out of respect for their privacy, we can’t name them. But let’s just say it’s been a very good year – for them and for us.

Why we like them: There are so many reasons, but here are two big ones: they all showed a willingness to learn about themselves, and to open themselves and their hearts to their new soulmates. And we are thrilled and proud that they trusted us to guide them.

What about you? If you are single and looking for that special someone, contact us. Who knows? You could make our favorite couples list for next year!


Yes, blind dates can work out very well. Just ask our clients!

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle met on a blind date, and now they are engaged!

Does the idea of a blind date make you shudder? If you answer yes, you are hardly alone.

This is understandable in some ways. In most movies or television shows, the blind date often goes horribly wrong. Or maybe you’ve had some experiences where well-intentioned people tried to set you up, and it just didn’t work out.

As elite matchmakers, we believe blind dates have received a bad rap – and we are out to change your perception of them. When you meet with us at Elegant Introductions, we do many things for you. We get to know you very well, we get a sense of what you are looking for, and we do our very best to match you with compatible partners. We also thoroughly vet all our clients, so you can be sure your matches really are who they say they are.

However, one thing we do not do is show you pictures of your potential matches. Nor do we allow you to contact them ahead of time. The singles we meet often resist this at first. Especially now, in the age of Tinder, OkCupid and so many other sites, they are used to seeing a photo first.

But here’s where we go back to the idea of blind dates, and their many advantages. In the best of circumstances, blind dates are set up by people who really know you well, and believe they have a match for you. Did you know that this is exactly how Prince Harry and Meghan Markle met? It’s true! They were set up by friends who knew that they had similar interests — and they were right on target. Now, as most of the world knows, Meghan and Harry are engaged!

We set our clients, Carol and Blake, up on a blind date because we knew they shared similar values and interests. They clicked instantly, and now they are happily married.
We set our clients, Carol and Blake, up on a blind date because we knew they shared similar values and interests. They clicked instantly, and now they are happily married.

The best blind dates are based not on photos, but on the intuition of people who really know what makes you tick. This is exactly what we do at Elegant Introductions. We understand your values, your interests, and your hopes for the future. Then, we look through our extensive private data base to select potential matches. You won’t know what your potential date looks like right away, but you will know things far more important, like what you have in common, shared values and what his/her relationship goals are. These are topics that inspire conversation, and when you think about it, the best first dates are almost always about conversation. When you spend a first date talking about things that really matter to both of you, odds are very good that there will be a second date – and many more after that.

We know that blind dates work because we have a 90 percent success rate. We love matching clients like Carol and Blake. We arranged a blind date for them because we knew they had many things in common. They clicked instantly – and now they are married. We were so joyous and proud when Carol recently wrote to us and said, “Thank you for introducing me to the man of my dreams. You and your agency go above and beyond. I have you to thank for matching me with my soul mate!

You can read many more enthusiastic testimonials on our website. If you are single and searching for your soulmate, give us a call at 305-615-1900, or click here to get started. Once we get to know you, we’ll change your mind about blind dates — and get you going on the road to your own royal romance!


The dos and don’ts of dating “out of your league”

Sometimes, dating "out of your league" can actually work. Just ask Meghan Markle, who is dating Prince Harry.
Sometimes, dating “out of your league” can actually work. Just ask Meghan Markle, who is dating Prince Harry.

How many times have you spotted someone you’d like to date, only to have that little voice inside your head tell you she’s/he’s “out of your league”? Should you ignore that voice – or listen to it? The answer depends on a variety of circumstances. 

As elite matchmakers, we only accept clients who we believe we can match. As we always say, we stress quality over quantity. Yet even catches can have unrealistic expectations. 

Much of this is cultural. Society tells us that “marrying up” – or deliberately searching for someone wealthier, more successful, or better looking than we are — is the way to go. Who among us didn’t cheer for Cinderella when the Prince placed that glass slipper on her foot? Or commiserate with Snow White when she sang that someday, her prince would come? 

Unfortunately, there’s an enormous difference between fairy tales and the real world. When it comes to dating, I always encourage clients to be hopeful and realistic. A man with model-like looks probably isn’t going to be interested in you unless you also look like a model. A wealthy, successful woman probably isn’t going to put you on her radar unless you come close to where she is in life.

But then again, the key word here is “probably.” Because there are those rare – and I do mean RARE – cases where going out of your league proves successful.

A few weeks ago, we wrote about Prince Harry and his romance with actress Meghan Markle. Some would say that Meghan is out of Harry’s league. She is certainly beautiful, but she’s not royalty. And she’s a working actress, but she doesn’t exactly have Meryl Streep’s name recognition. (Not yet, anyway.) 

The key here is that Harry and Meghan both have attitudes and beliefs that could very well transcend the usual norms of wealth, class, and success, and ultimately lead to a trip down the aisle. Harry has the ability to be very open-minded about the type of woman he dates. And even before she met Harry, Meghan possessed a keen sense of who she is. She quite rightly believes that Harry is as lucky to have her as she is to have him.

Too often, it’s a deep-rooted lack of self-esteem that makes people yearn for dating someone out of their league. They don’t like who they are, or where they are, and they’re hoping for someone to “rescue” them. The trouble is, there are very few people who want to do that. Even if they are willing, that’s not necessarily a good thing, because these types often demand someone that they can over-power. This is not anyone’s idea of an equal relationship. 

So, while I don’t normally recommend dating out of your league, I would say it’s okay if – and only if – you know yourself well enough to overcome any obstacles. 

It’s sort of like playing the lottery. There are people in this world who know full well that their chances of winning are slim, yet they still throw in a few bucks just because they know that there’s a chance (albeit a slim one) that they’ll hit the jackpot. When they don’t, they shrug it off, maybe joke a little (“Well, I guess they will see me in the office Monday morning after all.”) and let life go on as normal. This is exactly the type of person you must be to date out of your league.

If you’re really hoping to find lasting love, there’s something to be said for dating within your league. It shows that you know yourself well, and have realistic expectations. After all, love has nothing to do with wealth, looks, or even success. It’s about two people who support one another, understand one another, and stick with each other through thick and thin. It’s about being with someone who feels like a comfortable pair of shoes, someone you can trust and be your true self. This holds true, no matter what league you’re in.


Dr. Nancy



Prince Harry found love – and you can, too!

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stroll hand-in-hand. (Photo by Splash News)
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stroll hand-in-hand. (Photo by Splash News)

When it comes to relationships, everyone has their challenges. Even Prince Harry. He could well be the world’s most eligible bachelor. After all, he’s royalty, he’s wealthy, he’s charming in ways that remind many of his mother, Princess Diana, and he’s very easy on the eyes. You might think, “how tough could it be for him to find love.”

I would guess that it’s tougher than any of us realize. He’s dated a lot of women, but he has yet to take a bride. That could be about to change, though. He recently went public about his relationship with Meghan Markle, the actress best known for her role on the television series Suits. At last week’s Invictus Games in Toronto (a sporting event for wounded, injured or sick armed services personnel and their associated veterans), the Prince and his new leading lady were everywhere, smiling, holding hands, and even kissing. There are already rumors that they’re secretly engaged.

As a professional matchmaker, what strikes me most about these two is how different Meghan is from the type woman many would expect Harry to fall for. She’s an American – a “commoner” in the world of the Royal Family. If Meghan and Harry do get married, Meghan would be the first American to marry into the Royal Family since Wallis Simpson famously wed King Edward VIII more than 80 years ago. Edward gave up the throne so he could marry Wallis – making for one of the all-time great love stories.

While Harry will probably never be King (he’s got four other family members ahead of him in line, and of course, the Queen is still going strong), I’m sure he envisioned marrying a British woman – probably one with royal blood of her own. Instead, he’s with Meghan, a proud native Californian who loves yoga, the beach, and avocados.

This, to me, is a sign that Prince Harry looked beyond what was expected of him, and focused on what was right for him. I talk to many clients who have trouble deviating from the vision of the ideal partner etched in their minds. I often tell them to “adjust their lenses” and be open to potential partners who don’t necessarily fit their pre-conceived expectations. Obviously, Prince Harry doesn’t mind that Meghan is not British. He adjusted his own lens, and now he’s found love as a result.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the Invictus Games. Harry created the games to help ill and injured veterans. Harry and Meghan both share a commitment to philanthropy.

There are other things that strike me as very positive about Meghan and Harry. No doubt, they look like a dream couple. Yet they both go much deeper. According to a wonderful article in this month’s Vanity Fair, one of the strongest bonds they share is their dedication to philanthropy. They are both, in their own ways, committed to making this world a better place. I’m not surprised at all that this is one of the “sparks” that drew them together. Most people I know who have found love also happen to be very generous. They look outside themselves and realize how fortunate they already are.

Meghan and Harry have also been careful about revealing their relationship. They dated quietly for six months before anyone outside their closest confidants knew about it. I’m sure their very public lives factored into this. It must be hard to date when the world is watching!

But this careful approach also benefits singles in general. We’ve all seen those movies where the girl meets the guy, and right away, she screams everlasting love from the rooftops. This makes for an entertaining film, but it rarely works in the real world. Why? Because everyone has opinions. And even if they’re well-meaning, they can often get in the way of a budding relationship. It’s almost always better to go on serval dates, and really get to know one another before “going public” as a couple.

So, even if Prince Harry will soon be “off the market,” fear not. His road to love is a positive lesson for singles. There are also many princes still out there, even if they don’t have royal titles. You just have to stay positive and keep an open mind about finding them.


Dr. Nancy