Dating Direction from The Relationship Experts at Elegant Introductions
It might be an exaggeration to say that most singles are SHARKS, but the unfortunate truth is that there are a lot of them swimming around in the dating pool. So what to do?
First and foremost, know who you are dating. Don’t just assume that because you met someone through a friend that everything is ok. Do your homework. Check out Google, Linkedin and even a background check might be in order for a second or third date. (If you are using a matchmaker make sure that the date is properly vetted). We also suggest that you meet your first date in a neutral location. Do not let him/her pick you up.
It’s possible that you may not recognize a shark when you see one. After all, even sharks are on their best behavior when they come in for the bait. Our suggestion is to take things slowly and to try to avoid falling into old patterns that can lead you into the “Shark Danger Zone”.
But having said all this, dating can be fun, exciting and satisfying if you learn how, where, and with whom to swim…. There is a big ocean out there….Go for it and enjoy….
Dr. Nancy Gold and Barbara Black Goldfarb
Cofounders of Elegant Introductions
Visit us at or call 1.305.615.1900
This article originally appeared in our weekly column on