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What to Wear for a Date

Trying to figure out what to wear for a date? Dress to feel comfortable and confident, which will make you feel attractive and a little sexy. But, don’t wear something that’s too sexy! Dressing appropriately for a date means that you keep a things a little mysterious. It’s usually best to wear something that you have worn before and that you can relax in – something that tells your date who you really are. Don’t go outside of your comfort zone for a while, particularly on a first date. Dressing comfortably will help you forget about fiddling with something that just isn’t working and lets you concentrate on getting to know the person you are out with. It’s a great way to create a positive impression!

Figuring out how to dress for dates is just one step of the dating process. Elegant Introductions offers their clients relationship and life coaching services to help you through all phases of dating. Call Barbara and Nancy today at 305-615-1900 or contact us for more information.

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