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Blended Family? Respect the Differences!

It isn’t easy to blend a new couple’s children from a prior marriage or relationship into a cohesive family unit, especially if you go into the “blending” with a goal of trying to duplicate the family you had before. Instead, respect the differences in your new family members and honor your step-children’s individual stages of acceptance of the relationship. In other words, don’t try to force yourself into every aspect of their lives in an attempt to win them over. Be respectful of each family member and treat them compassionately. Keep in mind that, while you are head over heels in love, the children probably don’t share those feelings – yet. It will take time for them to adapt to their new roles and new positions within the family unit. As you all interact with each other, you’ll grow closer and become a successfully blended family.

Blending your lives and those of your children’s together is often difficult, but it can be done successfully! Our life coaching services can help you understand how to create a new family that fulfills everyone’s needs. For more information, visit Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions at 305-615-1900 or contact us today.

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