It’s National Resurrect Romance Week! Here’s why singles should celebrate

Did you know that this week is National Resurrect Romance Week?

That’s right. Every year, National Resurrect Romance Week takes place exactly six months after Valentine’s Day. If you haven’t heard about this, you’re not alone. Michael Webb, the man who came up with the idea for National Resurrect Romance Week, deliberately does not want this to become as commercialized as Valentine’s Day. That commercialization often provokes stress for those who have partners—and envy for those who don’t. For many people, Valentine’s Day was the last day they did anything romantic.

That’s why Michael thinks that romance should be resurrected at the half-way point between the last Valentine’s Day and the next one. He says that the purpose of the week is to “place the emphasis back on our hearts and off of our wallets. I am hoping that people will make an effort to do something romantic each day for an entire week. If people do that, they will see an amazing change in their relationship and will be more motivated to become a year-round romantic.”

If you’re looking for romantic things to do every day, Michael has plenty of suggestions on his website. Now, this is lovely if you have a partner to be romantic with. But what if you’re single? First off, you can take many of these ideas turn them into gifts for yourself. Instead of brushing your partner’s hair, why not treat yourself to a new hair style? Instead of taking your mate to his favorite restaurant, why not pick out your favorite restaurant, and maybe bring some of your best friends with you?

You can also use many of these ideas to brighten the lives of others. You may not be able to call your wife just to tell her you love her, but you can certainly make that call to your parents, your children, or your friends. You may not have a husband to hug. But think, for a minute, about those in your life who could use a hug right now.

National Resurrect Romance Week is about more than romance. It’s about doing the little things that enrich all our lives, regardless of marital status. Plus, putting these practices into your life now will only help you get ready for your next relationship. In the most solid of marriages, these little things are what keep the romantic fires burning.

So, let’s all raise a glass to National Resurrect Romance Week. After all, couldn’t we all make room for more romance in our lives?


Are you relationship-ready?

As matchmakers, we love connecting singles and making successful matches. Everyone who comes to us wants to be in a long-lasting relationship. We help them find out if they’re ready for such a relationship.

In relationships—as in life—there’s a difference between wanting something and being able to handle that something. You’ve heard it before, but it’s worth repeating: Relationships take work—not to mention patience, understanding, and willingness to compromise. Comedian Rita Rudner put it best when she said, “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”

Even the happiest couples face potential minefields, big and small, every day. Are you ready for them? Here are a few questions to ask yourself.

  • Am I happy with myself right now? Before looking for happiness with a partner, you should be pretty fulfilled yourself. There’s always room for self-improvement. However, if you have some big personal issues to work out, it’s probably best to give yourself time to deal with them before looking for a relationship.
  • Am I willing to make time for a relationship? People with busy lives often tell us that they “don’t have time” for a relationship. That’s always a red flag. You have to make time for a relationship, especially in the beginning. Here’s the good news: if the sparks really fly, it won’t feel like you’re making time at all.
  • Am I open to new experiences? The older we get, the more set in our ways we get. This is human nature. This can also make relationships tricky, especially in the beginning. When two independent people get together, there’s always that push-pull between what changes and what stays the same. Both you and your mate must be willing to break some old patterns.

If you answered “yes” to these questions, then chances are, you’re relationship ready. We’d love to introduce you to successful singles who are as ready as you are to find that special someone. But even if you’re not quite there yet, that’s okay. You’re on your way. We’re always here to help you get there.

What you really mean when you say that you don’t have time for a relationship

I’d love to be in a relationship, but I don’t have the time to find one. I’m too busy with…” Fill in the blank. Career. School. Children. The reasons are endless.

As elite matchmakers, we often hear this from clients who want to enter the dating world, but don’t see how they can fit that into their busy lives. Their reasons are absolutely valid. In fact, one of the big advantages of our matchmaking service is that we save you time by vetting all our clients, and getting to know them. When we introduce them to you, the goal is to make you feel as though you already know each other.

Still, when we work with clients, we do our best to free them from the “I don’t have time for a relationship” mindset. Because, 9 times out of 10, the real issue isn’t a packed calendar; it’s fear.

  • Consider the things you do anyway—and invite someone special to join you.

Ask yourself—are you so busy that you never go out to dinner? Or go to a movie? Or spend at least an occasional day at the beach? Hopefully, the answer is “no.” If the match is solid (and we do our best to ensure that it is), then that person also loves to do many of the same things you like to do. So why not call that person and ask them to join you? You already have a lot in common—and you already have the makings of a great date.

  • Even “chores” can turn into dates

If all goes well, it shouldn’t even feel as though you’re “making time” to date. If the attraction is mutual, it should feel natural to want to do things together. Even something mundane, like going grocery shopping, can turn into something fun and special if you do it with someone you just met and really like.

  • Keep your mind—and your heart—open

When the sparks are flying and the chemistry is right, it will be easy to make time for that special someone. So, yes, you do have time for a relationship—no matter how busy you are!

When you’re looking for your soulmate, you don’t have to go it alone. Contact us today. Let us be the concierge for your personal life. You’ll spend less time searching for that special someone—and more time meeting fun, interesting, and successful singles.