This weekend, as we look forward to Shavuot, we have a wedding on our minds. It’s different from the ones we normally think about as Jewish matchmakers, but it’s still very special.
Shavuot commemorates G-d’s giving the Torah to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai. It’s the day that G‑d swore eternal devotion to us, and in return, we promised our loyalty. Sages have actually compared this to a wedding between G‑d and the Jewish people. That’s the kind of wedding we’re talking about.
Shavuot is a major Jewish holiday, but somehow it’s not as well-known as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, or Passover. That’s too bad, because as we celebrate our relationship with G-d, Shavuot gives us an opportunity to contemplate all the relationships in our lives—and what it takes to maintain them.
Take the concepts of devotion and loyalty, for example. When we work with Jewish singles who are looking for a serious relationship, we talk a lot about what it means to be loyal to your partner—in good times and in bad times. It’s a given that loyalty is an important part of any serious romantic relationship, but Jewish singles sometimes forget that it’s an important part of all relationships.
It starts with being loyal to yourself—really knowing who you are, what your values are, and what you want to accomplish. When you take the time to go deep inside yourself and tend to your own needs, you usually wind up happier for it. Plus, your ability to make others happy improves significantly.
That brings us to the importance of family and friends in our lives. As we celebrate our people’s bond with G-d, we also honor the bonds we share with the people closest to us. As matchmakers who have also been the closest of friends for years, we think about this every day. Think, for a moment, about how much the people in your life mean to you—and how much you mean to them. If you’re a Jewish single who thinks that you’re not complete because you still haven’t found the love of your life, think again. You already have important relationships that enrich your life. Even if you desire something you don’t have yet—such as a life partner—it’s healthy to acknowledge what you do have. That’s true on Shavuot, and every day of the year.
No doubt about it, this wedding between G-d and the Jewish people is a perfect opportunity to celebrate all the important connections in our lives: to G-d, to our loved ones, and to ourselves.
May these bonds grow even stronger in the years to come.
Chag Sameach!