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Dating Outside Your Age Group

Are you thinking about dating outside your age group? There are both pros and cons to seeing someone who is older or younger than you. If you are prepared to handle the differences, dating someone in another age bracket can be very rewarding.

  • Younger women dating older men need to be mature – no temper tantrums! Additionally, don’t point out his age difference by teasing him about something obvious like gray hair (or the fact that he is losing his hair).
  • Younger men dating older women also need to avoid pointing out the age difference -don’t use the term “cougar” in her presence! Additionally, she will be expecting you to treat her like the classy woman she is so show her some respect: open doors for her, pull out her chair at the dinner table – in general, treat her like a lady.
  • Older women dating younger men should be prepared to keep up with them!. Part of the fun of dating a younger man is that he’ll be adventurous, but you need to be ready if he suggests going to a club at midnight or taking a long hike through the autumn leaves.
  • Older men dating younger women shouldn’t try to be their fathers! Dress younger and less “stuffy” and don’t treat her like she’s a little girl. Also, make sure you know at least a little bit about today’s music, media, and buzz words so you can have a conversation with her.

With Elegant Introduction’s elite matchmaking services, we will find the most compatible match for you right from the start! For more information, visit Nancy and Barbara at Elegant Introductions at 305-615-1900 or contact us today.

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